Monday, February 6, 2017

6 Feb 2017

Hey guys,

So this week has been good for me. 

We started teaching Erica and James again :) While they were in the Bahamas, she had a really cool experience. She was babysitting a baby that would not stop crying. The internet is also not really reliable there. She was staying at her grandmother's home who recently passed away. We sent her the 20 minute Restoration video, so she decided to watch it. A few minutes in the baby started watching too, stopped crying, then fell asleep. She was able to peacefully watch the video. As soon as it finished playing, the internet cut out. She told us that she felt her grandmother wanted her to watch it. She wants to be baptized! We will keep teaching her to make sure she is ready :)

They both drove 2 hours to come to church at our little church apartment! It was amazing :)

Sister O and I gave a training with the zone leaders about talking with everyone. It went well, it was Sister O's first one. It was fun.

We had interviews with Pres this week. It was really good for me. He was so gentle and kind and I reallllly needed that. He also gave me a priesthood blessing which was also needed. I am sooo grateful for priesthood leaders and especially for my mission president. I wish I could see him more but I will just try to remember. He just said all the right things for me.

We went to Rosie's for supper and to breakfast with the Pratts and Terry. I also took Sister Pratt for a drive while Sister O had her interview which is a privilege not any other missionary has had. 

Things are getting better for me. Someone reminded me about my 15 month mark yesterday so that made me reallllly sad. 

More than anything I am developing a deep gratitude for my Savior. I can not adequately express my love and gratitude for Him and His Atonement.

We also went hiking as a district today but then the storm got realllllly bad and we're not allowed to drive anymore.

Love you!

Sister Park

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