Monday, November 7, 2016

One Year Later...

Hey guys,

So it's been a year! I'm tired. But sooo happy. Serving a mission has been the best investment I could have ever made in myself. It's been so good.

It was a bit of an exhausting week. 3 exchanges and a zone conference. President and Sister Pratt were visiting for the conference which also happened to be on November 4. They took us to dinner at Rosie's. I love the Pratts, they always bring such a calming feeling. They have high expectations for their missionaries but they also have a high amount of love.

Sister Pratt spent the whole day with us on Saturday. She hasn't spent a whole day out with missionaries before, so we were super lucky. President called and said it was a meaningful experience for her. It was a dream.

The new Senior Couple, the Smiths, got here this week. It will be so good to have them since we're down to 3 active members now (sos, the 4th one is moving this week). 

Sorry not a lot of time.

I do want to share something I learned this week though. Heavenly Father loves us enough to care more about our progression than our comfort.

Love you.

Sister Park

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