Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Don't Forget to Pray

Hi guys,

This week was, well to be honest, long. It was "Surge week" so we had a bunch of challenges for each day (like extending the baptismal invite or teaching Restoration lessons) all topped off with a minimum of 30 hours of proselyting. We're pooped but happy. 

Sister O and I were trying to think of people we could teach the Restoration to and we had set a goal to teach 10. It was 8:15 so time was running out and we had only taught 9. We got in the car and prayed and both felt we should go see Henriette (member)'s niece, Lisa, that she lives with. It was the least likely time for her to be available but we went and she let us teach her! We have been trying to teach her forever!! Miracle!

We found a total of 6 new investigators this week, putting us at a total of 12. That is the most either Sister O or I have ever taught at once on our missions!

Erica and James come back from the Bahamas this week, so I'm reaaaallly happy about that.

So transfer news. Sister O is leaving the Rock and going to Truro with Sister Kilmer and Sister Osborn is coming to Gander! I was her STL at the beginning of her mission and I am really excited to be her companion, she is sooo much fun.

Love you!

Sister Park

Jenny gave us face masks.

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