Wednesday, January 4, 2017

A new year in Gander!

Hi nuggets,

It's weird that 2016 is over. It was my "black year" which means I spent all of it on my mission. What a dream. I learned sooooo much and changed a lot (for example, my hair turned a weird reddish orange color, idk what happened).

Not much to report as far as Gander goes this week. We left for Corner Brook on Tuesday for District Meeting, then did a mini exchange with the Corner Brook Sisters in Deer Lake. So many miracles in such a short amount of time! Between the four of us, they got at least three new people to teach and one is on date for baptism! Yesssssss.

Sister Olsen and I flew to Halifax that night, drove to Moncton, NB the next day for MLC, then back to Dartmouth, NS for an exchange on Friday. I was with Sister Thomson. Love her, we've been buddies since way back, transfer 3.

Flew home on Friday. Got home Saturday at 1:30 am. Had so much fun knocking in Benton on not very much sleep and then we had to be inside planning and updating bc NYE.

Sunday was good. It was my 10th Fast and Testimony Meeting in the Corner Brook Branch ha ha.

I bore my testimony about this:

"Every day ought to be the start of a new year and a new life. Such is the wonder of faith and repentance and the miracle of the gospel of Jesus Christ." - Elder Holland

The whole talk is good to read, especially at the beginning of a new year.

Have a great week!


Sister Park

The picture of the window accidentally says "poop" in Christmas lights,
We stocked up on limited edition cranberry ginger ale too. oops.

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