Monday, December 26, 2016

Newfoundland Christmas, Take Two

Hey guys

How was Christmas? It was a dream here. It snowed and Sister O and I drove around Gander looking at the lights. Loved it. She got me so many good presents too, it was such a good day.

The Parkes had us over for Christmas Eve with Tim and Jenny, the Smiths and the Elders. We had Jigg's Dinner. Hazel and Andy, some friends of ours and the Pratts had us over for Jigg's Dinner on Christmas.

Hazel: I've had these crystal ornaments for 20 years
Me: That's as old as me
Andy: You're only 20?! I have underwear older than you! I'm wearin em right now! Wanna see?
Sister O: lol

Soooo cool thing happened this week. Sister O and I were hanging up #LIGHTtheWORLD posters around Gander earlier this week and as we were walking out of one of the malls, this lady came up to us and just started talking to us on our way out. She told us she's in a lot of pain and so we told her we would come shovel her driveway. She gave us her address. Oh, her name is Debbie.
So we went caroling to her the next night with our FHE group. She was so happy.
The next day, Sister O and I went by again. She let us right in. We helped her with her Christmas tree and she let us watch "Mr. Kruger's Christmas" with her. Because of all of that, she told us we can come back and teach her! We gave her a Book of Mormon and are going back tomorrow :) Christmas miracle!

Sister O and I also caroled and took some extra presents to some of the Syrian Refugees here in town. The kids were SOOOO excited. That was probably my favorite part of Christmas Eve.

It was super good to see my family again. Everyone has grown up so much, especially Sarah. Holy.

I love you guys so much!

Merry Christmas!

Sister Park

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