Monday, November 30, 2015

Leaving the MTC

Nov 16, 2015

Hello everyone!
I am flying to Canada TOMORROW! Can you believe it?! I am so excited! 
It has been snowing in Provo today. Most of my district is from places like Georgia, Arizona, and California, so it has been pretty entertaining watching them freak out.
The MTC is such a great place, being a missionary in general is the best! 
Sorry there are no pictures this week, I left my camera in my room :(
Fun fact for my dance friends, the wife of one of the counselors in my branch presidency danced with New York City Ballet when she was younger, so the two of us have become pretty close. 
I did run into Elder Davis, Sister Fivas and Sister Handley this week! I have a picture with Sister Fivas that will be coming next week, but all of them are doing well. 
I had a fun time teaching the Law of Chastity to a 60 year old man the other day. Gotta love mission life. But really, I wish everyone could do this. Not exactly the Law of Chastity part, but just feeling how I feel. God is so good. 
I hope all of you are doing well! The next time you hear from me, we will be in different countries! Ahhh!
All my love,
Sister Park

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