Monday, November 30, 2015

Hello from the MTC

Nov 9, 2015

Hello. It's me.
Is that still a joke in the real world?
Hi everyone! The MTC is so great, I wish that everyone could have an MTC experience. The Spirit is constantly here. The food is good too haha.
Also, Utah State friends, most of my district is called to the Logan Utah Mission! So if you see Sister Martin, Elder Peart, Elder Mergens, Elder Kuck, or Elder Fortuna, tell them you know me. They're all great.
The temple is the best, if you haven't been in a while, GO. And then feel free to write me and tell me about it.
Sister Martin and I are the Sister Training Leaders for our zone so that's pretty cool, I guess. We're teaching two investigators right now, exciting stuff.
Missionary work is so much different and so much better than I thought it would be. Just love all around.
Oh, I saw Sister Smart and Sister Hammond, if you know them! Hopefully I run into Sister Fivas and Sister Handley when they get here on Wednesday!
Love you all!
Sister Park 

(I'll try to send some pictures soon, but I've got to go get my laundry before it gets stolen ha)

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