Monday, February 22, 2016

Another Great Week in Corner Brook!

Hey everyone!

It was another great week in Corner Brook, Newfoundland!

I spent half of the week in Gander, due to transfers, but it was a lot of fun!

My new companion is Sister De Vuyst. She is from Cardston, Alberta and she is assigned to the Arizona Mesa Mission. While she's waiting for her visa, she gets to come here and be trained by me (poor girl). Just kidding! She has been wonderful and such a sweetheart.

I've been thinking a lot about weaknesses and grace lately, and how essential both of these things are for our eternal progression. We need weaknesses so we can learn, but also so that we can learn to rely on the Savior and His Atonement to make us strong. There's no way I could be doing any of this (even imperfectly) without His help. I am so grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that I know where to turn in any situation. God loves His children, I know it!

So last Monday, Sarah and Sharon surprised us and took us on a hike up to Steady Brook Falls. It was the best day ever. I'll attach some pictures. There's also one from when Sharon served her mini mission with us. 

The work is a little slow at the moment, but the blessings are pouring in because of our diligence in trying! It's totally worth it, which is amazing to me.

Well, that's all I've got for you this week. I hope everyone is doing well! Get to the temple if you can, I miss it so much!

Sister Park

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