Monday, February 1, 2016

Sounding Like a Canadian and Eating Moose Sausage

Hey everyone!

I feel like these group emails get shorter every week, I promise that we are busy busy busy here in Corner Brook!

This week was lots of fun, we had a storm on Friday night. We woke up and had to shovel ourselves out of the apartment. Knocking was a lot of fun too because everyone told us how crazy we were but hey, the message of hope that comes from the gospel and Jesus Christ is worth it!

Funny story, we were in Dominion earlier today and one of the workers bumped into me and I said "oh sorry" and I totally said it like a Canadian. I promise it was on accident ha ha. 
We had moose sausages for dinner one night this week and they were actually super good, especially with BBQ sauce ha ha.

Sister Crump and I have been partying while working and it's just been the best time.
The gospel blesses lives, I see it every day. 

One of my favorite videos is Because of Him, I'll attach a link, but you can find it on and oh man I just love it. I feel the Spirit every time I watch it and I feel so blessed that I get to spend all my time sharing that message. It's the most hopeful thing in the world.

My grandpa is in this video at 1:50. ha ha.

Love you!

Sister Park

Our Ponderizing Scripture for this week:

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