week was super busy. I gave a training in MLC which was scary bc it was my
first one, but everyone was really nice and President said it was smart, so
that made me feel good.
went blackberry picking a few times with our investigator, Peter. He prayed for
the very first time ever last night. It was the sweetest thing. Stefanie comes
to his lessons with us, I love her. She's a member who is doing an internship
in Fredericton for the summer, but sadly she will be moving to Quebec soon.
She's in one of the pictures.
went on an exchange in Halifax/Dartmouth with the STLTs so we took a road trip.
It was good, I got to ride the ferry. Also, I got Utah'd for the first time. A
member from Utah, I think his name is Rob, was visiting Halifax for work and saw
Sister Thomson and I buying lunch at the market and he came up and bought it
for us. He was super cool. I'm grateful to know that our Heavenly Father always
knows exactly where we are and how we're doing.
read Elder Hallstrom's talk from last gen conf this morning, "I Am a Child
of God". A lot of people talked around this subject and it was very clear
to me that so many people need to understand this foundational doctrine. A lot
of people know it but they don't feel it yet. We forget it all the time, myself
included. Sometimes we forget what it means to be sons and daughters of God and
the weight and potential that is behind that. Yeah, we're all imperfect. We all
have weaknesses, we all have sins. That is the very purpose of the Savior. He
came so we could be healed from all of that. None of us are going to make it
without Him, but that's okay, bc He lives and He loves us and He wants us to be
on His team. He wants to heal and help and sometimes it's hard to feel that and
believe that especially when circumstances are just bad but one of the dearest
parts of the gospel, to me, is that all of the bad things won't last forever.
Christ overcame it all. Sometimes God allows His children to suffer a little so
that they can become what He intends them to become. He wants us to be
celestial. And He knows we can be. When we understand that we are sons and
daughters of God, we believe Christ when He says He can fix and heal and help
and change us.
too tired to read over that so fingers crossed it made sense.
hope all of you have a stellar week. Thanks for your continued prayers and
Sister Park