Monday, August 29, 2016

Hali bound again...

Hey guys

Sorry not a lot of time, we're going to find a waterfall.
This week was so so stressful but so so good.

So yeah we're going to Halifax again for MLC :) Back to Nova Scotia!
We taught three people this week and Peter came to church yesterday!!! 

We went to Houlton, Maine last week. I love America. 
Gave a doctrinal discussion at District Meeting. Cool.

Here's some pictures and videos ha ha being a missionary is so fun but sometimes you have to make it fun.

The commandments are a reflection of our Heavenly Father's love for us. Our obedience is evidence of our love for Heavenly Father. 
"Obedience is better than sacrifice."


Sister Park

Movie 1 (100 Mb)
Movie 2 (245 Mb)
Movie 3 (26 Mb)

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