Monday, August 15, 2016

Zone Conference in Moncton; I gave my first training as an STL!

Hey guys,

Super busy week but super good. We had Zone Conference in Moncton and I gave my first training as an STL, I think it went fairly well. I got to see Sister Crump again, so that was great.

Heavenly Father blessed with 4 new people to teach!! The whole zone did really well this week, it's cool to see all the good things that are happening.

The Presque Isle Sisters accidentally took our apartment key all the way back to Maine, so Sister DeBerry and I took a fun little trip to Woodstock where we saw a man in a Speedo...

Members came to our lessons with us this week, which is so so helpful.

It was really rainy this week, which was nice. There's this lady who lives on the same street as us and every time it rains, she puts umbrellas up over her flowers ha ha. They're really cute, I'll send pictures.

Sorry not a whole lot to report, but I am so grateful to be serving the Lord as His missionary. He has blessed me in more ways than I can count. "As we increase in faith, we must also increase in faithfulness." - pretty sure it was Pres. Uchtdorf.

Love you!! Here's a bunch of pictures ha ha.

Sister Park

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