Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Hey guys!

So it's been crazy. Transfers are emotional roller coasters, especially when they end with losing your kid.

The last 9 days have been good. Mostly consisted of teaching the streets of Fredericton and knocking on doors. My testimony is strengthened everyday that the Church is true.

I finally made it into the Elders' pirate ship club by beating the captain, Elder Evans, in a hot dog eating contest (no shame). Elders Kelley, Taylor, and Tincher all go home tomorrow which is sad. They were all really good missionaries to serve with and I learned a lot from each.

So lots of changes in Freddytown! Elder Evans is a solo zone leader and training a new missionary, Elder Beckman is coming and also training a new missionary, Sister Deberry is coming to be a Sister Training Leader with me while I finish Sister Anderson's training.

And then, just to throw a spoon in the garbage disposal, President Pratt called this morning and told us Sister Anderson's visa came this morning :(
There goes my second child and most of my wardrobe. Guts! (I've gotten back into the worst habit of saying "freak" - pretty sure I picked it back up from the Elders, so Sis. A and I decided that guts is now the replacement word)

It really was so fun to serve with her, I'm sure I learned more from her than she did from me. She's going to do great in Florida, I just know it! Also, just like 2 other of my companions, she got the same rain boots as me. #trendsetter

Not quite sure how I feel about the STL thing but I'm excited and the Church is true, so it's all good anyways.

Sarah and Sharon dropped off a note on our car on an especially hard day (Thursday aka the hump day of the missionary week). They continue to be angels in my life even though I'm not in Newfoundland anymore.

We're teaching somebody new today! Exciting stuff.

Here's some pictures and things, and above all else, I'm so grateful for the restored gospel, including the priesthood. God loves us!

Sister Park

P.S. 9 months tomorrow! Ahhh!

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