Monday, April 3, 2017

Hi! :)

Ok so we are always busy in Halifax. I love it.

Laureli's baptism was so great! We are so proud of her :)

We have another baptism this weekend (eek!) but I can't tell you too much about it, sorry :(

We started teaching three YSA girls this week and guess what. THEY ALL WANT TO BE BAPTIZED. ❤❤❤ It's going to be tight because the semester at DAL is ending soon, but we will teach them as much as we can before they have to leave.

Glenna and Aiden are doing well. Glenna is working so hard to live the word of wisdom. When we were at their house this week, we noticed the plan of salvation picture we drew for Aiden framed on the wall :') It means so much to their family that Glenna can see her son again and Aiden, his dad. They've still got some challenges ahead, but they are doing great. Oh, and their cat, Tiger, thinks he's a parrot and climbed right up on my shoulder ha ha.

Alex came with us to watch General Conference at the Pratt's house, it was so dreamy. I love her and I love the Pratts and I loved Elder Renlund's talk. Everything was perfect, plus Sister Pratt made food.

I got to call Rose this week! It makes me SO happy every time I hear her voice. We talked about conference and the temple! She has always loved the temple and now that she's baptized, she can go! I love her.

It was Sister G's and my half birthday this weekend (yes, we have the same birthday).

Thank you for all of your prayers, they mean the world to us missionaries.

I am so grateful for General Conference. It answered prayers for me that I didn't even know I was praying. I am so grateful for President Monson. Having a prophet is one of the greatest evidences of God's love to me.

I love you!

Sister Park

We spent pday with Addie Speers painting our nails (and the dog's)
Cleaning the font
I got to see baby Kilmer :')

Talking to Rose

Happy Spring!

Love, Canada

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