Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Mother's Day Miracle

Hi humans @ home

Today is a much needed p day because WE ARE TIRED ha ha.
This week was so amazing.

I have gone through the 6 stages of grief this transfer (due to it being my last) and now I am just happy all the time! Happy to be here, happy to see you soon, just happy.

What beautiful and miraculous things my mission is made up of :)

So Presidad asked all of the missionaries to fast and pray and focus and increase our diligence this weekend so that we could exercise our faith and see a miracle for Mother's Day!

We saw plenty!

A woman named Vicky was having an unusually tough day and she let us in! Her friend Kelly was there and oh man, she was just thrilled with the Restoration (same). She really wants to change to improve and that's what we are all about! Teaching repentance is my favorite and I'm so glad I've had the privilege of doing just that for the last 18 months!

Aiden IS getting baptized on Saturday! THANK YOU for your prayers in his behalf.
We are taking him and his family to see the TEMPLE on Thursday this week. One restored truth that has motivated his testimony is the knowledge that he can be baptized for his father in a holy temple. His father passed away before he was born, but Glenna says that if he was here on earth she is sure he would have accepted the restored gospel - and it is likely that he has in the spirit world! What a precious thing!

Glenna is itching to be baptized as well. Hopefully this summer. There's still a few things to work out but things are starting to move forward and hearts are being softened! 

Skyping my family was great, my heart is warm just thinking about it! 

I am grateful for everything!

I love you!

Sister Park

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