Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Twillingate, Lower Cove, Church

Hi guys!
Sorry there's like no time because of all the pictures, but I hope that's okay!
We went to Twillingate with Sister Crump and Sister Thomson last week on Monday, it was so pretty. We didn't see any icebergs, but no worries, it was still way fun.

Our investigator, Ivan, came to church yesterday! It was the best! Our trio sang "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" in sacrament meeting and the Spirit was so strong, I loved it, despite my lack of vocal talent.

Yesterday, we also went to Lower Cove, which is in Stephenville crossing. The pictures with me in the red skirt were taken there. It's actually in a member's backyard. She lives about an hour and 45 minutes away from the church building, so we brought sacrament meeting to her yesterday and then took some pictures while we were there.

So yeah, we met with some cool people and saw some cool things this week.
Life is good, God is good.

Sister Park

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