Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Breakup Texts and Blizzards in April

Hey Everyone, 

I hope you all enjoyed General Conference as much as we did here in Newfoundland. I'll talk about it a little more at the end of this email.

So yeah, it's been a good but hard but crazy week.

Our investigator on date to be baptized dumped us pretty hard. Not that I've gotten many, but it was definitely the worst break up text ever ha ha.

Well, if the people you're teaching don't want to listen to you, you find new people to teach. And so we did! We were able to find four new people this week, which honestly is a miracle in this area. They were all so excited about the Book of Mormon and how they can read and pray about it for themselves.

We also invited one of our investigators, Sharon, to be baptized. Sister De Vuyst was trying to extend the full invitation and Sharon just kept interrupting her and saying "yes" ha ha it was great. It went something like:

Sister De Vuyst: "Will you..."
Sharon: "yes"
Sister De Vuyst: "...follow the example..."
Sharon: "yep"
Sister De Vuyst: "...of Jesus Christ and be..."
Sharon: "mhmm"
Sister De Vuyst: "...baptized by someone..."
Sharon: "yeah"
Sister De Vuyst: "...holding the priesthood..."
Sharon: "yeah"
Sister De Vuyst: "...authority of God?"
Sharon: "yes"

Ha ha so that was really cool. We're still trying to figure out a date with her.

Being in a trio is definitely different. It's only been a few days, so I don't really know yet. Buying food is cheaper so that's rad. It's definitely got some challenges, but the Church is still true and things always work out.

So back to General Conference. I noticed a few reoccurring themes, and two of them are temples and the foundational doctrine that we are children of God.

I love knowing that there are 150 temples throughout the world. The kingdom of God is growing! :)
So many of the speakers mentioned that we are all children of God. One of my questions I was looking to have answered during General Conference was "What does the Church need to hear and apply most in the next six months to better prepare for the Second Coming of the Savior?" and here's my answer. 

If every person was to truly understand who they are and who they really can be, no sacrifice would seem too great, no burden too heavy, no commandment too small, no ordinance too irrelevant. Everything in the Church leads to the temple, which ultimately, leads us back into the presence of our Heavenly Father, to live with Him forever. That's the goal. And it's totally achievable because of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. What a blessing. So yeah, if you don't really believe that you are a child of God with your whole soul, watch Conference again and figure out how you can, because it's honestly such a key point of knowledge in our eternal progression that we can all work to understand a little better.

Well, I've got to go shovel the foot of snow we got last night out of the entrance to our apartment. Have a great week!

Sister Park

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