Monday, April 25, 2016

New People to Teach...

Hi guys,

So I feel like my group emails are always a mess, sorry about that.

Uhh this week was really good but it's snowing again. Oh whale.

We had a super sweet lesson with one of our investigators (we're down to two now). His name is Ivan and he's super smart and probably has the most "real intent" of anyone that I've ever taught. The only bummer is that because he's a teacher at the university, he's going home for the summer next week. SO. We need to find some new people to teach.

Anyways, the lesson was good, I can't even describe teaching people about the gospel. When the Spirit's there, it good. If the Spirit's not there, it's bad. That's literally it ha ha but it such a cool experience when it's good. Ivan wasn't sure if we'd be able to meet this week and he said he probably wasn't going to be able to come to church because he had to grade papers all weekend. He gave us a box of super fancy chocolates and maple butter. I love him.

We went to the Sansomes last week, I guess I didn't tell you guys yet. So Norm and Mazie Sansome are super sweet and super Newfie. They live in this little...shack? across the bay that Norm built himself. He wanted to feed us seal, but to our relief, seal hunting wasn't good that day apparently. so we had "trout", but I'm pretty sure it was salmon. We also had cod nuggets (?), and cod tongue, which apparently is a delicacy. It was fried, so it didn't taste as bad as it sounds.

We went to Dennis' house this week in Cox's cove and he cut our hair. I was so proud of my hair for finally growing for the last six months, but nope, Dennis said it was all dead and chopped it off. Whatever.

So here's a super cool experience. Sister De Vuyst, Sister Holloway and I decided to fast yesterday for a few things, one was that Ivan could come to church and recognize answers to his prayers, and two that we could find new people to teach. So church starts and we're sitting there thinking no one is coming and then we look up right as the meeting is starting, and in walks Ivan. He told us that he was able to grade papers way faster than he thought he would, so he was able to come. Hopefully we can help him recognize that Heavenly Father always answers our prayers, in a lot of different ways.
Also, there was a new part-member family at church (!!!!!!) that just moved in. This Branch is tiny, so a new member practically winning the Mormon lottery. Like I said, it's a part-member family, but the mom is interested in the Church. So. New person to teach!
You know in The Best Two Years when Elder Calhoun is like "we need to fast!"? Yep. Same. It works.

Auldrey left this week so that was the worst. I miss that girl, she's so cool and I wish I could have as much faith as her. So yeah, s/o to Auldrey for being my hero.

Also. Sarah and Sharon and Brianna came home! That was the best. We talked all about General Conference and the temple and my family and America and oh I missed them so so soooo much. I feel like they just got home from a mission or something, I don't know. I was just super happy to see them.

I can't really think of anything else but yeah! hope everyone has a great week! Church is true!

Sister Park

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