Monday, May 16, 2016

Fredericton, New Brunswick


So yep, transfers happened. I keep feeling like I'm just here on exchange and like I'll be going back home to Corner Brook any day now. 

Fredericton is honestly such a gorgeous city. There's a river running through it, there's a really pretty bridge and all of the buildings downtown are absolutely stunning. 

I'm in a ward again, so that's different. Honestly I feel like I got transferred to a completely different mission, this is nothing like Newfoundland. There's a lot of Muslims here, but they're all pretty cool. Different culture completely. Also it was like 25 degrees and I was under the impression that I was coming to Canada (you know, where it's cold) on my mission. I guess I've probably gotten used to lower temperatures, so when it was 25 I just about died it was so hot. It's super humid too, so that's going to make my life so incredibly fun, I'm sure.

I am really excited to serve here though. There was just three baptisms in this area and all of the recent converts are pretty awesome. Sister Champ from my MTC group was here and she's an awesome missionary. We actually just switched places during transfers. President probably sent her to Corner Brook to pick up my slack ha ha.

There's a pretty cool family here, the Rays, that we're working with. They fed us last night (they have a dinner calendar here which is such a foreign concept to me) and yeah they're a lot of fun. Super funny people, we laughed a lot and I like them.

My new companion is Sister Rice. She's from Alberta and she's waiting for her visa to go to Idaho (Idk why Pres keeps giving me visa waiters, maybe he just doesn't want me to mess up the missionaries who will actually be staying in this mission lol). Just kidding, I try to be obedient (I actually try really hard) and I do the best that I can in everything that is asked of me. I figure that's the best I have to offer and Heavenly Father can work with that, as immature and weak as I am. Being a missionary is pretty fun.

Anyways, Sister Rice. She is a little older than me and has been on her mission for three months (Sister Champ actually trained her while I was training Sister De Vuyst, so I saw her via Skype a lot the last two transfers). She's a super skilled missionary and she's really nice. She's the type of girl that takes her shoes off at church, but she's still alright and I like her well enough. We stayed up kinda late last night talking (oops) and I think we'll get along pretty well.

So my mom emailed me this story and I really liked it so here:
"In sacrament meeting today Brother Farr our high councilman talked about grace. He related an analogy from John Bytheway. A father was bringing in groceries from the car to the kitchen, his 2 year old daughter wanted to help. His daughter was at the age where she wanted to do everything herself. She was determined to carry in a gallon of milk which is 8 pounds. As she struggled her father picked her up and carried her into the kitchen. Once inside the little girl tells her Mom that she carried in the milk all by herself. The father represents Jesus's grace. Through his grace we can carry our gallon of milk."

Super grateful that Heavenly Father doesn't expect us to be able to accomplish what He asks us to without His help and the help of the Saviour.

So yeah, lots of other stuff happened. We played basketball and chair soccer and I tried really hard not to hate every minute of it ha ha. Still adjusting, but this is a beautiful place to serve and at the end of the day, having the opportunity to represent and bless others in the place of the Saviour is so worth it.

So yeah, have a great week!
Sister Park

181 Parkside Drive #32
Fredericton, NB
E3B 5L7

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