Monday, May 30, 2016

Miracles in Freddy Town

Hey everyone,

So yeah, things are good. I love this city.

We had a lesson that fell through this week, so we felt like we should go talk to people downtown because people are always there.

So we did and we met this guy named William. We taught him twice that same week and he came to church yesterday. He even bore his testimony and he really wants to be baptized. The story is actually even cooler than that, but I'll save it until he actually gets baptized because that would make it cooler.
That was a major miracle this week and it was also sprinkled with smaller ones. Beginning to understand the doctrine of Christ honestly has made such a huge difference.

Also, someone threw some KoolAid at us this week, so that was great ha ha.

The other missionaries in my district are all so fun, we have four Elders in Fredericton along with Sister Rice and I. Sister Rice is a total weirdo and I love her tons.

Exciting news, Elder Renlund is coming on Sunday. I'm super pumped and as much as I miss Newfoundland, I'm grateful to be on mainland now so I can go hear an Apostle of the Lord speak. Oh and William is coming too, so that makes it even better.

A ton of stuff happened this week and I'm super exhausted but it was so grape (Sister Rice actually appreciates my food puns and now I can't stop). I had to schedule another oil change which I hate doing but the people at Canadian Tire in New Brunswick are actually really cool so it all worked out. We honestly are so blessed to have cars in this mission though, I'm souper grateful.

I've been missing dancing a ton lately, but I know that serving a mission was the greatest investment I could have ever made in myself and I'm so grateful that I chose to. My vision and capacity to understand the gospel has been increased so much. And my charity. Everything is still not perfect, obviously, but it has been amazing so far. This week was all gouda and I hope you're all doing well.

Love you!
Sister Park

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