Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Teaching Jehovah's Witnesses about Jehovah

Hey guys,

It has been an interesting week here in Freddytown. But good. Always good.

Sometimes it's hard for me to even remember everything that has happened, it's all a blur ha ha. Oh, 8 months today! That's exciting. Also crazy and a little bit sad.

Canada Day was so so hot. Like 32 but the humidity is insane. It was good, they had some sort of celebration downtown, but not as a big as America. There wasn't even a parade. I guess Canadians are just too humble for that ha ha. An elderly woman wanted us to go with her to this sketchy Chinese buffet and we watched her practically choke on her food for like 20 minutes I was nervous I was gonna have to whip out the Heimlich. 

Oh, also, we celebrated the 4th of July. Canadians are so cute, caring about other countries besides themselves, aww. Kathy had all of the missionaries over for a BBQ, here's a picture. We lit sparklers and had fun.

Sister Anderson is Canadian, but since I'm her trainer, I've been forcing her to listen to "God Bless America" all day. She's not impressed, here's a video. <God Bless America.AVI>

So yesterday we had a lesson with a family of Jehovah's Witnesses from Africa. lol. The thing is, they didn't tell us they were JWs until we sat down. Also, English is not their first language. I tried not to Bible bash too much. But I walked away with an even stronger testimony and also it was pretty funny. The Church is true, guys. It's literally the kingdom of God established on the earth and anyone who sincerely desires to know that can know it by reading and praying about the Book of Mormon. Everything hangs on that book. And it's true!

Also, there's this convention going on in Fredericton and it's like ComicCon but its called Animaritime and let's just say we handed out some lemonade to a wide variety of people that day. It was great.

So there's all the random bits, but at the end of the day, my mission is truly the best decision I have ever made and I love it. I work so so hard and I know that Heavenly Father will bless my efforts one way or another. Thank you for your prayers, all of us missionaries appreciate them! 

Sometimes it can be challenging to not compare myself to other missions or missionaries, and Heavenly Father is aware of that. He is helping me as I strive to be more patient and it's something that we will work on together. That's a huge way we can use the ultimate gift He has given us, the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. As we yolk ourselves to Him, we will become more like Him.

So here's some pictures and stuff. Hope you like the really awkward one of us in the car ft. my double chin. Happy Canada Day and 4th of July!!

Love you!!
Sister Park

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