only been a few days so not a lot to report but things are good. We're
expecting to see some miracles in Fredericton in the next three months, so I'm
brand spanking new companion, Sister Anderson, is from Edmonton, Alberta. She's
awesome and a lot braver than I was when I came out. So I felt kinda bad
because I've been trying to set up this lesson with this guy for a while and
the only time he could meet was like an hour after I picked up Sister Anderson,
but I scheduled the lesson anyways and had Sister A invite him to be baptized.
She killed it though. We were talking to the APs about it last night and they
were like "you didn't even let her unpack first??" Ha ha. Oops. But
yeah, she's great.
had our lemonade stand and I made us a sign (even though it was totally Elder
Kelley's job) and we gave all of our lemonade away! New record. Elder Evans
actually credited it to my sign, which was surprising but awesome.
was definitely sad that Sister Rice and I didn't get to be companions for
longer but we had so much fun in 6 weeks. We took a ton of pictures on her last
day in Freddy Town so I'll send some. It was a super nice day and then it
rained super hard and we got soaked ha ha. The lighthouse was super cute
it was 31 degrees (Celcius) yesterday and I almost died when I got in the car, it was so
hot. I loved it.
the Church is so true. I LOVE it.
looking for people to teach, but it's all good. Miracles are coming because
we're doing our best to be obedient, repentant, and grateful. So it'll all work
out because that's how the gospel works.
you guys!
Last Sunday we took a team/family picture with the Elders and we all matched at
church, so here it is.
Sisters (with Sis. Crump) (342 Mb)
P.P.P.S. And a couple more videos with Sis. Rice.
Lighthouse (with Sis. Rice) (206 Mb)
Missing Sis. Rice (32 Mb)

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