Monday, October 3, 2016

Two Decades Old

Hey everyone!

Thank you so much for the birthday wishes :)

It was a good day/week. Sister Olsen is the best and wrote me a birthday card for every day of the week. She also made me a cake. We're practically the same person, just 13 years apart. Sometimes she reminds me that she could almost be my teen mom, but we still get along super well.

We went to District Meeting in Corner Brook this week and Sarah and Sharon got permission to take us out to lunch after, what a dream. It was so good to spend some time with them again.

The mission had an Iron Rod Relay this week where the zones competed to more fully involve the members in our work. Considering we have a grand total of 4 active members in Gander right now, it was a bit of a challenge, but we worked hard and planned well and the NL zone came out on top!

We met with Selina this week and she's still really looking forward to being baptized. Rose came to General Conference, so that was really great.

Still trying to set up the church here. People from the FM group and mission presidency are coming to view the building this month :)

So... General Conference was spot on. I have never had a conference weekend answer so many of my questions so directly as this one.

Thank you so much for your prayers and for seeking missionary opportunities yourselves. This is a great work!

Sister Park

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