Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Always Packing Up My Stuff

Ok so more news, people.

I'm being transferred again ha ha. To Halifax this time!

It was actually cool how it worked out. 

President called me and we talked about it. Earlier in the week, he was leaning towards keeping me in Wolfville because Sister Grunauer and this area and this ward have been so good for me, but he felt like I am needed in Halifax. We both had a good feeling about it, and now I'm going!

I have learned SO MUCH the last couple of months.
I truly am a witness of a miracle because of the Savior's Atonement for me and for each of us.
I know that our Heavenly Father really is our Heavenly Father. 
He is so aware of us and none of us are ever forgotten by Him.
Like a perfect Father, He will give us every chance He can to be successful.
He is trying to give each of us as many blessings as justice, mercy, and the plan will allow.

The past couple of weeks in Wolfville have been exactly everything that I needed.
And now I'm feeling good!

I think I am beginning to understand how Jacob felt when he said, "O how great the plan of our God!"

I am sad to be leaving Sister Grunauer, we were fast friends. But we're still in the same zone and she is going to be training! She's going to do such a phenomenal job, I just know it.

"God knows of your successes; though they may seem small to you, He acknowledges and cherished each one of them." - Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Have a great week!

Sister Park

P.S. I lost what are the odds to Elder Hatch this week and had to put my face in a pie. Here's the video (40.5 Mb).

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