Wednesday, March 8, 2017

{Too Busy to Send a Title}

Hey guys,

Sorry I can't send pictures from this computer, hopefully I can figure something out sometime.

Halifax has been good so far. Adjusting to a new area has always been hard for me, but sadly I think this will be the last one :'( 

I like it here a lot though. It's so different from anywhere else I've served.

We go to church for 6 hours bc we're over a ward and a ysa branch, so that's cool.

We have some really great investigators who are working towards baptism, but I haven't been able to teach any of them yet.

My new companion is Sister Goodsell. This is her third transfer, so between the two of us, we've got a whole mission. We're super different but it's good. We also work with Sister Street which is an absolute dream.

I really am the happiest when I'm just out talking to people and teaching them. I'm grateful to be doing my Father's work and it has been such a blessing to me. I know that healing comes through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I'm grateful to know that our Heavenly Father has always known and loved us and He has never stopped doing all He can for our benefit.

Here's a picture of our companionship, Good Street Parking. Totally sounds like a lame boyband. Cool.

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